This Virgin Mary is copied from the model created by Alonso Cano, following its overall spindle design. Also reflected are the colour palette, the folds of her tunic across her chest, the perfectly-captured curved outline of the cloak draped around her left arm, her long curls framing her face, and the inverted half-moon at her feet, set on top of clouds adorned with angels’ heads. This is a figure of tremendous spiritual impact, the Virgin appearing lost in thought, with her hands pressed together in a gesture of prayer.
Compared with Cano’s work, this sculpture has more angular forms and fuller volumes, the corner of the cape draped over the left arm, and a more stylised head. Such touches are reminiscent of the style of Pedro de Mena – one of the sculptors who adopted this prototype with the greatest flourish.
There are no records of this image prior to 1813, when it was registered in the University of Granada inventory, possibly as a result of the seizure of Jesuit assets in 1768.
- Category: Esculturas de bulto redondo
- University: University of Granada
- Authors: Anónimo granadino
- Chronology: Circa 1700
- Technique: Polychrome wood
- Dimensions: 84 x 22x 18 cm
- Stock number: 370
- Location: Hospital Real
- Ownership: University of Granada
Extract taken from SÁNCHEZ-MESA MARTÍN, Domingo & LÓPEZ-GUADALUPE MUÑOZ, Juan Jesús. «Inmaculada Concepción». Obras Maestras del Patrimonio de la Universidad de Granada. vol. II. Granada: Universidad de Granada, 2006, pp.78-79.
VV. AA. La Granada del XVII. Arte y cultura en la época de Alonso Cano. [Catálogo de la Exposición]. Granada: Ayuntamiento, 2001, p. 212.
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