The origins of the University of Jaén (UJA) date back to the Early Modern period (16th Century), when the University of Baeza was created. It was in 1993 that the UJA was formally established as an independent institution. Since then, it has continued to respond to the needs of the academic community and of society at large.
The university has made an active commitment to innovation and excellence, across both its degree programme delivery and its infrastructures, leading to growth in its teaching and research activity.
UJA’s academic offer, which has been designed in line with the employment and professional needs of society, comprises over 50 Bachelor’s degrees and 22 Master’s degrees, some of which are delivered online. At the Jaén and Linares campuses, a culture of hard work, dialogue and harmonious coexistence is encouraged. Students of the UJA therefore live life to the full during their studies, supported by an ideal environment that fosters healthy relationships and interdisciplinary contact with other students and teaching staff.