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Heritage of the Andalusian Universities


Throughout its history, the University of Seville has acquired a valuable collection of monumental and artistic works. Providing a description of this tremendous heritage is almost to tell the narrative of the institution itself, with an added reflection on the concept of time: time that passes and time that remains in human consciousness . . . time that is both fleeting and is captured forever in a work of art.

The University of Seville has never declared an interest, except on rare occasions, in curating its own formalised art collection, yet today its combined artistic riches are quite astounding. Though diverse, these riches are clearly linked through the historical, social and cultural events that have shaped the institution’s five centuries of history. It is thanks to these events that the University of Seville has been able to acquire such a great number and variety of artistic buildings and pieces of the most diverse provenance.

Related Artworks

Esculturas de busto relicario
Reliquary of Saint Anthony of Padua

Anonymous Author

Iglesia de la Anunciación

Cabezas de Ángeles


Edificio Antigua Universidad Literaria

Hernan Cortés

Antonio Carnicero

Hacienda Divina Pastora

Advanced Technical School of Architecture

Anonymous Author

Places of Interest

Facultad de Bellas Artes

University of Sevilla

Iglesia de la Anunciación

University of Sevilla

Real Fábrica de Tabacos

University of Sevilla

Facultad de Geografía e Historia

University of Sevilla

Edificio Antigua Universidad Literaria

University of Sevilla

Facultad de Filología

University of Sevilla

Centro Internacional de Posgrado y Doctorado

University of Sevilla

Colegio Mayor Hernándo Colón

University of Sevilla

Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería de la Edificación

University of Sevilla

Escuela Universitaria de Arquitectura Técnica

University of Sevilla

E.T.S. de Ingenieros Industriales y de Ingenieros de Telecomunicaciones

University of Sevilla

Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura

University of Sevilla

Facultad de Física

University of Sevilla

Colección Vaciados de Esculturas / Gipsoteca Universidad Sevilla

University of Sevilla

Capilla Universitaria

University of Sevilla

Hacienda Divina Pastora

University of Sevilla

Pabellón de México para la Exposición Iberoamericana de 1929

University of Sevilla

Facultad de Medicina

University of Sevilla

Panteón de Sevillanos Ilustres

University of Sevilla