Amsara is a sculpture characterised by its verticality. Its creator, Noelia Cobo García, has combined Carrara marble with Ulldecona stone to play with different textures and finishes. This combination also achieves a colour contrast between the white of the smooth marble and the ochre tone of the porous stone.
The sculpture rises vertically from a rectangular base with uneven edges. While it comprises two pieces, its stylised forms and softness have an organic quality that is characteristic of this artist’s work.
The piece was awarded the 2011 Alonso Cano Prize for Artistic Creation (sculpture category).
- Title: Amsara
- Category: Esculturas de bulto redondo
- University: University of Granada
- Authors: Cobo García, Noelia
- Chronology: 2011
- Technique: Carrara marble and Ulldecona stone
- Dimensions: 143x30x39 cm
- Location: Facultad Bellas Artes
- Ownership: Contemporary Art Collection University of Granada
AA.VV. Colección de Arte Contemporáneo de la Universidad de Granada. Centro de Cultura Contemporánea. Granada: Universidad de Granada, 2015, p. 89.
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