This piece was created in October 2014 for the “UAL-Escuela del Mármol de Andalucía” I International Sculpture Symposium. Some 12 artists from different countries were selected to make their works in situ at the University of Almería. The theme running throughout all the works is “For gender equality and against gender violence”. This particular sculpture, entitled “Ayer”, is by the Polish artist María Cukier. It comprises a grey stone pedestal, with the sculpture itself in white marble (from Macael, Almería). The work is formed by a rectangular block, on top of which is a smaller block, again broadly rectangular but with a more rounded finish, from which a large drape loosely hangs. A dark grey pebble sits on top of the piece. The two ochre stone plaques on the pedestal carry the following inscriptions: “María Cukier. Poland. Ayer. October 2014”. “Dedicated to the victims of gender violence”.
- Title: Ayer
- Category: Esculturas de bulto redondo
- University: University of Almería
- Authors: Cukier, María
- Chronology: 2014
- Technique: Marble sculpture. Roughed-out. Chiselled. Polished.
- Location: Nuevo Rectorado
- Ownership: University of Almería
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