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Heritage of the Andalusian Universities


Muchacha Tocando la Cítara (Girl Playing Zither)


The fleetingness of Art Nouveau, expressed in elongated, undulating shapes, curved lines, and ‘whiplash’ swirls, is clearly present in this work, the original of which is by the French artist J. Dupré. The graceful body of the young girl curves up from the base in pure lines, accentuated by her dress, and continues up into the musical instrument she holds. Music, youth, vitality, charm, with flowers at her waist and in her hair: a new world full of promise for the enjoyment of the bourgeoisie. 

The top of the pedestal features the inscription “J. Dupré”, and on the back there is a stamp bearing the logo of the porcelain and Majolica manufacturer Goldscheider.

This piece came to be in the hands of the University, together with La Juventud and Muchacha Tocando el Violín (and a range of other objects and items of furniture), thanks to the donation made by María Julia Castillo López to the Fundación de San Francisco Javier y Santa Cándida, which entrusted the collection to the University in 1984.




Extract taken from ULIERTE, Luz de. «Muchacha tocando la cítara». Obras Maestras del Patrimonio de la Universidad de Granada. vol. II. Granada: Universidad de Granada, 2006, pp.154-155.

GUILLÉN MARCOS, Esperanza. «Los bienes muebles de la Universidad de Granada». Universidad y Ciudad. La Universidad en la Historia y en la Cultura de Granada. Granada: Universidad de Granada, 1994, pp. 355-380.

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