Portrait of Antonio Flores de Lemus
This herm – the lower part taking the form of an inverted pyramid – is a portrait carved in high relief.
The work draws on the realism of portraiture, which we can appreciate in the subject’s hairstyle and wavy hair, glasses, aquiline nose, moustache, and thick-set neck. From the half-chest we can see in the work, the subject is dressed in a shirt, jacket, and tie, just as Antonio Flores de Lemus would be in real life.
Following the style that has come to characterise the work of Ramiro Megías, the figure retains signs of the technical process itself. This produces natural bumps and lines of expression in the sculpture that lend even greater expressiveness to the piece.
- Title: Portrait of Antonio Flores de Lemus
- Category: Esculturas de bulto redondo
- University: University of Jaén
- Authors: Megías López, Ramiro
- Chronology: 2001
- Technique: Sculpture
- Dimensions: 80 x 50 x 15 cm
- Stock number: 0357
- Location: Exteriores de los edificios, fachada principal del edificio B4-AULARIO
- Ownership: University of Jaén
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