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Heritage of the Andalusian Universities


Niño Jesús Dormido (Sleeping Christ Child)


This piece represents a Baroque iconographic style that was commonly found in female convents and in popular devotion, in which the human element was accentuated. The style reflects the warmth and innocence of the child sleeping peacefully. He is represented as a chubby, rosy-cheeked baby; one hand is held up to his mouth, while the other is outstretched. 

Its skilful modelling shows clear touches of the Granadan style, not dissimilar to that of Pedro de Mena. We can see these touches in the clean outline of the head, the beautifully-drawn the eyes and eyebrows, the softness of the skin, and polychrome nuanced with pink-hued glazing and locks of fine blonde hair. 

The way in which the figure is positioned suggests that it was a one-off composition rather than part of a Nativity scene with which it was associated until 2006.


  • Title: Niño Jesús Dormido (Sleeping Christ Child)
  • Category: Esculturas de bulto redondo
  • University: University of Granada
  • Authors: Anónimo granadino
  • Chronology: Circa 1750
  • Technique: Polychrome wood
  • Dimensions: 37 x 20 x 15 cm.
  • Stock number: 400
  • Location: Facultad de Derecho
  • Ownership: University of Granada


Extract taken from SÁNCHEZ-MESA MARTÍN, Domingo & LÓPEZ-GUADALUPE MUÑOZ, Juan Jesús. «Niño Jesús dormido». Obras Maestras del Patrimonio de la Universidad de Granada. vol. II. Granada: Universidad, 2006, pp.92-93.

GUILLÉN MARCOS, Esperanza. «Los bienes muebles de la Universidad de Granada». Universidad y Ciudad. La Universidad en la Historia y en la Cultura de Granada. Granada: Universidad de Granada, 1994, pp. 355-380.

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