Saint John of God
This is a carving-in-the round in polychrome wood, resting on a gilded pedestal. It represents Saint John of God, dressed in a brownish-grey gilt-edged habit. The iconographic representation of this saint is that of a young monk wearing a crown of thorns, carrying a sick person, a Christ Child, or a crucifix. In this case, he is holding an elongated Christ on the Cross symbol. Of particular note is the expressive modelling of the saint’s face, which accentuates the spiritual impact of the image.
The carving, attributed to Sánchez Sarabia, was originally kept in the cell to which the saint was confined, it is said, in around 1549.
It currently presides over the Altarpiece of the Saints John, located in one of the wings of the Reading Room at the General Library of the University of Granada (within the Royal Hospital building).
- Title: Saint John of God
- Category: Esculturas de bulto redondo
- University: University of Granada
- Authors: Sánchez Sarabia, Diego
- Chronology: Circa 1680
- Technique: Polychrome wood
- Dimensions: 127 cm
- Stock number: 270
- Location: Hospital Real
- Ownership: University of Granada
AA.VV. La Granada del XVII. Arte y cultura en la época de Alonso Cano. [Catálogo de exposición]. Granada: Ayuntamiento, 2001, pp. 146-147.
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